Paper Presentations
Below is a preliminary list of papers that will be analyzed in class. For any given paper, one team of students will present the work and highlight positive aspects (10min). Then, the class will work together to discuss limitations and/or shortcomings of the approach.
Tue. 09/28
- Detecting Moving Objects using a Single Camera
on a Mobile Robot in an Outdoor Environment
Presentation: Karim El Adl, Robert Luo
- Detecting Moving Objects using a Single Camera
on a Mobile Robot in an Outdoor Environment
Tue. 10/05
Presentation: Ellie Mamantov, Qiping Zhang
Thu. 10/07
- Looking to Listen at the Cocktail Party
Presentation: Christine Yang, Himnish Hunma
- Looking to Listen at the Cocktail Party
Tue. 10/12
- Deep Appearance Models for Face Rendering
Presentation: Yifan Li, Derek Yeh
- Deep Appearance Models for Face Rendering
Thu. 10/28
- Agile Autonomous Driving
Presentation: Brandon Zhu, Austin Narcomey
- Agile Autonomous Driving
Thu. 11/04
- Learning from Interventions
Presentation: Kayla Matheus, Jinhan Zhu
- Learning from Interventions
Tue. 11/09
Presentation: James Zhao, Will Sun -
Mastering the Game of Go
Presentation: Ellie Mamantov, Thomas Woodside
Thu. 11/11
Learning hand-eye coordination for robotic grasping
Presentation: Yifan Li, Qiping Zhang -
Making Sense of Vision and Touch
Presentation: Derek Yeh, Jinhan Zhu
Thu. 11/18
- Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning
Presentation: Austin Narcomey, Kayla Matheus
- Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning